Having never done any fantasy wargaming before it is all a bit bewildering, but a change is as good as a rest as they say, and having been a fan of Pendraken's 10mm ranges I am sure it will be worth it.
2015 looks to be a big year of new things for me as I embark on my Paramedic studies for real, so an unusual diversion from my staple might just break up the monotony (and sheer panic) of reading, research and the very real prospect of being on the dole queue given the very simple pass/fail nature of the Paramedic Pathway.....
Budget and Target Date
I am also going to be doing this on a budget and have set myself a very modest amount of £150 in which to achieve the target of building four new armies by December this year, hence the title of the post.

Mr Clever's Plan
I have several ranges of Pendraken Miniatures which I think can readily proxy for certain elements of my chosen armies. I am already looking at my Saxon, Norman and Medieval ranges as becoming the backbone of a Dragon Men and Barbarian Human army. I've also got lots of Minibits MDF bases and Dice Frames kicking about which I am hoping will save me a few quid here or there.
Which Armies?
Army wise, I am looking at Dragon Men and/or Barbarian Human, Eldritch Vampire, Undead and Taurians. My first decision is do I take on two undead-ish armies, or do I drop either the Eldritch or Undead for Hill Dwarves or Goblins..... the jury is still out at this point.
Cunning Basing Plan
As Slackbladder once said:
All of my Saxons/Normans and Medieval figures are based for FoG/Warmaster and hence I'm not keen on re-basing as I still want to use them for those games.
My plan is to go for 80x40 bases probably using four 40x20 warmaster bases with the new armies so that they can become the base for Warmaster armies.....
Watch this space for progress
Although I expect progress to be slow alongside other wargaming distractions1