The peaceful farmstead of Munger is about to be plunged headlong into the maelstrom of unrest that is creeping through the state. For weeks the Continentals have skirmished with the advancing British and Hessian forces and Munger Shaw now lies within reach of the Kings forces.
The local forces of the British King are predominantly Hessian's and an aging Lt Frank Enfurter has received orders to move on the farmstead to sweep the area of enemy forces. Enfurter is a reliable officer, a veteran of the conflict in the America's, but finds himself increasingly concerned at the way in which this most recent campaign has been conducted. Whilst he has largely kept control of his men, many of the attached British troops, particularly those of the Light Dragoons have conducted a new style of warfare where terror tactics have been used against the local populace.
Enfurter fears for the small community of Munger Shaw as his small force has been joined by a most vile British Dragoon Captain whose reputation for savagery precedes him.
Born of illegitimate stock, Captain David Cameron has ties to the nobility. A Rake with a failed moral compass. Cameron browbeats those below him and is not beyond dishing out his own unique style of justice on the civilian populace who he sees as legitimate targets. Cameron is intent to lay waste to Munger Shaw simply because he has taken offence to being in the field for a fortnight without any time to participate in debauchery in the city.
Enfurter has other problems too. Sgt Weiner-Schnitzel, one of his own NCO's, has fallen in alongside Cameron's Troop and is more than happy to share the fruits of any loot and livestock that can be found during today's sweep.
On the outskirts of Munger Shaw a sizeable Continental Force has been gathered to oppose the Hessian advance. All local men, the Continentals will surely put up a stiff resistance and drive the enemy out of the area.
Hessian and British Forces
Lt Frank Enfurter (Status III Leader)
Musician and Physic -
Dr Fritz Hackundslash
Two groups of Hessian Regulars with muskets
Sgt Frederick Frikadellan (Status II Leader)
Two groups of Hessian Regulars with muskets
Cpl Gunther Bockwurst (Status I leader)
One group of Hessian Grenadiers with muskets
Sgt Willy Weiner-Schnitzel (status I Leader)
One group of Hessian Jaegers with rifles
Captain Davidson Cameron (Status III Leader)
One group of British Dragoon Impact Cavalry with rifles and sabres
American Forces
Captain John Waine (Status III Leader)
Three groups of Continental Line with muskets
Sgt Humphrey Bogcart (Status II Leader)
Two groups of 8 state line with muskets
The Right Honourable Ronald Raegun (Status II Leader)
Two groups of Rebel Militia Line with muskets
Cpl Marlon Brandy (Status II Leader)
One group of Continental line skirmishers with muskets
Cpl James Cagknee (Status I leader)
One light artillery piece with 5 crew
Weiner-Schnitzels' Jaegers advance supported by Cameron's Dragoons. Nothing is safe with these two rogues on the loose. |
Lt Enfurter's Hessians approach the farmsteads flock. |
Enfurter's pleasant approach and efficient bartering secures a flock of sheep for the King's forces. |
With the flock of sheep secure, Enfurter's Hessian's approach the cattlefield in search of beef to roast. |
Cameron's men approach the church to find the Very Reverend Lawrence Longpole and his congregation about to leave church. Longpole falls for Cameron's spin, shocked to hear that a wanted felon is loose within his flock. |
Weiner-Schnitzels Jaegers make for the haybarn supported by Bockwurst's Grenadiers and Frikadellan's Hessians. |
Bockwurst's Grenadiers can be heard singing as they step out making the haybarn almost at the same time as Weiner-Schnitzel's Jaegers. |
Enfurter's Hessians enter the cattle field and secure tonights meal. |
Cameron's Dragoons dismount and under the cover story of hoping to locate a ne'r do well, are busted by the Reverend Longpole's son who catches a Dragoon attempting to pick the vestry door lock. The boy manages to evade the Dragoon's and sets off up the road to alert the local American Forces. |
The Right Honourable Ronald Raegun arrives with his Militia Line |
Weiner-Schnitzels men search the barn for loot as the more conscientious Grenadiers form a hasty firing line having been startled by the approach of the local militia. The farmstead workers make a break for the safety of the militia ranks. |
Having looted the church, Cameron's Dragoons remount and set off to find more booty |
Marlon Brandy's Continental Skirmishers arrive and step out for the farmhouse. In his haste to make progress, Brandy tweaks his hamstring forcing him to hobble. |
Cagknee's artillery arrive to bolster the Militia Line |
Disgusted at having found nothing of value in the haybarn, Weiner-Schnitzel's Jaeger's torch the building which within minutes is well and truly ablaze |
With the fleeing civilians safely behind his lines, Raegun's Militia open up at long range and immediately put the Hessian Grenadiers under pressure. |
The Reverend Longpole looks on in horror as the haybarn collapses under the ferocity of the fire. Willie Weiner-Schnitzel takes the Rev'd and his flock hostage as insurance against the advancing Militia. |
Raegun's Militia and Cagknee's artillery work in tandem to supress the Hessian's near the now destroyed haybarn. To their left, Captain John Waine's Continentals snake along the front of the orchard in column. |
The American's attempt to shake out their line to confront the Hessians. |
Frikadellan's Hessians open up at long range and deliver a telling volley which rattles the Continentals who are still in column. |
Although rattled by the initial Hessian volley, Waine's Continentals shake out into line. Cagknee's artillery firing canister wound Weiner-Schnitzel leaving the Hessian left flank vulnerable. Raegun's Militia continue to fire at long range but their poor training combined with the cover the Grenadiers are occupying render most of the fire ineffective. |
Brandy's Continental Skirmishers attempt to flank the Hessian Line |
Disgusted by Cameron's looting of the Church and Weiner-Schnitzel's blatant disregard for orders, Lt Enfurter feels compelled to confront Cameron. "Damn you man! The American's are closing in on our positions. You can fill your foul pockets once we have beaten the enemy!" |
Frikadellan's Line let loose a volley that sends the Continental Skirmishers running for the safety of better cover. |
Waine's Continentals exchange fire with Frikadellan's Hessian Line as Cameron's men use Frikadellan's line to mask their flanking manouvre. |
Humphrey Bogcart's State Line march around the rear to support Waine's Line and Brandy's Skirmishers. |
All along the front musket smoke builds. Enfurter's Hessians move up in support of Frikadellan. |
The combined volleys of two Hessian Line units batters Waine's Continentals..... |
Forcing them to retreat into the orchard.... |
before routing from the field taking their commander with them! Rebel morale creaks as five points of morale loss occur in a single phase. |
Cameron's Dragoons (still with designs on looting) move up into the woods but bite off more than they can chew taking on a fresh unit of State Line. Their only saving grace is that the Rebel's powder is damp and their firepower is much reduced forthwith. |
As Raegun's Militia crash forward to threaten the Hessian's defending the haybarn, Enfurter's command lunges for their exposed flank. Rebel artillery eyes up this juicy new target but fails to take advantage of the situation having run out of cannister rounds.
Bogcart's State Line attempt to swing the balance, but damp powder and a weak first volley let them down spectacularly although they do force to make Cameron's men withdraw from the woods giving the farm civilians time to make their escape with their valued possessions. |
In desperation, Raegun's Militia engage the Grenadiers and Jaegers in Fisticuffs only to be repelled by some stiff resistance. |
With rebel morale collapsing rapidly, Enfurter's Hessian Line deliver the coup de grace charging Raegun's bold Militia in the flank and ensuring victory for the King's forces. |