My copy of K47 finally arrived after being lost by Royal Mail for a month.... nevertheless, it is here now and straight into action using my redundant collection of Secrets of the Third Reich miniatures.
The US have despatched a small veteran Rangers Command supported by light and medium walkers to investigate reports of some strange activity deep in the Ardenne. Die Totenkopf activity has been high and their is a suspicion amongst the US High Command that the German's maybe preparing yet another terror weapon.
Heinz Klopp (a seriously schizophrenic Professor of Rift technology) is indeed busy creating a new super-human soldier deep within the depths of an underground cavern beneath an innocuous looking walled farm in the Ardenne. SS Hauptmann Helga Muller has been assigned with protecting the facility at all costs and has assembled an ad-hoc assortment of troops around her with which to carry out her mission.
US Rangers
2nd Lt Oscar Fielder and platoon Medic lead two sections of Ranger Infantry supported by 1x Coyote Light Walker, 1x Jackal Light Walker and 1x Kodiak Medium Walker.
In support, Captain Samuel L Jackson leads a small unit of US Heavy Infantry in their battle suits.
German Forces
SS Hauptmann Helga Muller and her genetically modified 'twin' sister Olga lead the German Forces. SS Shocktroopers are supported by a huge Die Totenkopf squad and a small unit of FJR Falcons (with a supporting Mech).
In support are a unit of Schreckwulfen, a Gorilla Light Walker, The 'Thing' (a half human-half machine light walker), a Sniper Team and 2 Automaton MG's.
Rangers advance cautiously towards the farmhouse with support from Walker Units as an FJR Flying Mech (need to think of a suitable name...) and FJR Falcons move up on the right flank. |
The FJR Mech, Falcons and Schreckwulfen with sniper support attempt to outflank the Rangers |
The Rangers 'frontal assault' |
A Kodiak and a Coyote spot Karut Automatons in the farm gateway |
US Heavy Infantry move up the right flank |
The FJR Walker wreaks havoc amongst the Rangers |
The Gorilla (half-human, half mech) advances on the right flank to confront the Jackal Walker |
The 'Thing', another half-human/half-mech blocks the entrance to the farmhouse |
Sadly at this point the camera packed up, just as the action was really hotting up. The Rangers were mauled pretty badly, largely down to having nothing with the capability to take down the FJR Mech.
Although the German's held the farmhouse, other than the FJR Mech and the Gorilla, the surviving German forces were hemmed into the farmhouse and enough Rangers survived to make it back to base to confirm that whatever is happening at the farmhouse, the German's are willing to pay a heavy price for the US not to find out about it.
Captain Jackson's Heavy Infantry close in on a heavily wooded copse (just before the camera packed up!)
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