
Thursday 26 November 2015

The Deal of Darkness

In the Timberland's a mighty feast is being consumed in celebratory anticipation of the impending fall of the Taurian powerhouse of Pa-Mai. Throughout the feast Viho Windrider, seated on his new paymasters right hand side, has been plied with the finest wines.

Attention to Windrider of a very different kind has also been noticed by Stormhoof who, keen to attend to the every need of his new Aide de Camp, suggests that the main guests should retire to the chambers. All evening Sarlea, Concubine to Stormhoof has never been far from the handsome Viho.

As more food is consumed and the wine continues to flow freely, Aranarun suggests to Viho that he may wish to partake of his concubine's desires, a suggestion to which Viho is most agreeable to given the dark beauty before him.

After hours of passionate but somehow raw and rapacious lovemaking, small talk within the warmth of the pillows turns to events in Woll Subterrane and Stormhoof's ambitions to be King of the Taurian's. In machiavellian tones, Sarlea skilled in the art of weaving a web of intrigue, seems to deflect Windriders searching whilst still encouraging him to delve deeper.

Speaking in hushed tones, she tells of a life of unhappiness; a life of wanting to be Stormhoof's one passion and someday his Queen, and her frustration in being a mere concubine. She sobs as she speaks of mothering children to a Warrior King, the future Princes and one day Kings of new and mighty Taurian Kingdom. She tells how Stormhoof hopes to become that King when Pa-Mai falls but how, despite his popularity his Warparty is really leaderless, only bound by greed and the promise of rape, pillage and ale..... She goes on that unbeknown to Stormhoof only she can bring about a unification of the leaderless rabble.

Intrigued but almost jokingly, Windrider asks how a mere concubine is capable of achieving such a coup. Sarlea confides that she has learnt the Shamanistic Rituals and is capable of creating a spectacular Glamouring Maze that any Taurian noble would be only too happy to be the owner of. Before his very eyes the Succubus of Salemere weaves a spectacular ritualistic spell which gazes into the future - a future showing a handsome, virulent and powerful Taurian being crowned as King. Not only does the future show Viho as King it also shows several sons proficient in sword, mace, axe and shield.

Spellbound, the Taurian asks if this future is fact or fiction. Sarlea's response is succinct. "Together we can rule. Alone we are nothing more than lovers".

As morning approaches and still under the spell of the Succubus's beauty and artful prose, Sarlea outlines the steps to achieving Kingship.

Stormhoof's Warparty must take part in the impending siege and final battle at Pa-Mai. Centaur Knights loyal to Sarlea will ensure that Stormhoof ends the battle as a posthumous hero. Leaderless, the Warparty will need a new hero and who better than Viho the new 'Captain of Clonell'.

Windrider true to his Bounty Hunter roots becomes giddy with the thought of riches beyond belief and to boot a Kingdom and a beautiful Queen. The deal of darkness is sealed.

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